Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Much Does Shag Bands Cost

Conference: 150 years of united Italy - the contribution of Catholics

Monday, 14. March 2011, 20:45

150 years of united Italy: the contribution of Catholics

Introduces Don Francesco Poli, Centre for the Social Pastoral of the Diocese of Bergamo
coordinates Prof. Silvio Troilo , Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Bergamo Bergamo and Chairman of the UGC
Prof. Roberto Pertici , Professor of Contemporary History and History of the Risorgimento at the University of Bergamo
Prof. Enzo Balboni , Professor of Public Law at the Catholic University of S. Heart of Milan
The meeting is held at 20:45 hours at the House of Young - Hall Nembrini, in Gavazzeni No 13 to Bergamo.
is promoted by the Italian Catholic Jurists, in collaboration with the Diocesan Pastoral Centre Social and Cultural Commitment of the Ecclesial Movement
Location Bergamo, Casa del Giovane


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