Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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In 2010, business failures increased by 20% - still believe BALES TO THIS RIGHT?

They spend their time in Rome in magna-magna General and Italy is sinking.
They exchange favors and privileges (for the usual suspects) and families are suffering.
They try to force the Constitution with laws and sneaky ridiculous and people are forced to borrow money in the bank.
The report of the Bank of Italy is alarming. In 2010, business bankruptcies increased by 20% (as of the premier companies make money hand over fist), the current accounts of families are increasingly suffering (and those of Prime Minister are increasingly bloated), people are turning increasingly bank lending and consumer credit (on which banks and insurance companies profit from the prime minister there great!). The right
spends his time telling lies and fairy tales ridiculous on a phantom federalism and the need for reforms that only serve to protect the prime minister, for the rest "Hopefully, we begin to overcome the crisis "....
do not need to be antiberlusconiani to see the results of an ethical and cultural parliament reduced to so many "sir, sir" in return for jobs, favors, benefits. The so-called leaders, they are recognized to the extent that they are a rich reward in terms of seats.
It 's time to stop. Mandiamoli home!


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