Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Buttermilk Wafers Pancakes

Piero Ricca A SERIATE. BUT MISSES anti-politics' BRAVO. Go see it!

books and coffee
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FRIDAY 'March 4 2011 - 21.00 - FREE ENTRY
space at Third World

Piero Ricca
who will present his book-DVD
"Lift your head!"
editions Chiarelettere

Presentation, film screenings and discussions.

Citizen, raise your head! Oxygen to restore democracy in a period of serious moral and political crisis, is crucial to the will of those citizens who do not accept the role of subjects and decide to make their voices heard. In this context, the junction between the square and websites, including civic journalism and videoattivismo, you can read the testimony of Piero Ricca, independent journalist, activist and blogger, known for his objections to the front members of the national oligarchy, for irreverent interviews, for a civic engagement deployed in countless activities and events, in favor of rules and principles of a constitutional nature. For
Dell'Utri is "an asshole"; Labor for a "role model".
For many, starting with Andreotti, is only a "provocateur" for others, beginning with Beppe Grillo, "is a dangerous precedent: if people should leave the country in many imitated."

FRIDAY 'March 4, 2011 - 21.00 - FREE ENTRY
space at Third World
via Italy 73 - Seriate (BG)
info @ spazioterzomondo. com


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