Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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VIVA ITALY - Francesco de Gregori

Long live Italy, liberated Italy, Italy

of the waltz, Italy coffee.
Italy robbed and shot in the heart,
Long live Italy, the Italy that never dies.

Long live Italy, taken by surprise,
Italy murdered by the newspapers and through the concrete,
Italy with dry eyes in the dark night,
Long live Italy, Italy who is not afraid.

Long live Italy, Italy is in the midst of the sea, forgotten
Italy and Italy to forget, Italy
half garden and half prison
Long live Italy, Italy whole .

Long live Italy, the Italy that works,
Italy that is desperate, who falls in love with Italy, Italy
half luck and half duty,
Long live Italy, Italy on the moon.

Long live Italy, Italy on 12 December,
Italy with flags, Italy naked as always,
Italy with sad eyes open in the night,
Long live Italy, Italy who resists.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Milena Velba Real Fake


The pundits in the government, rant rubbish and misses to the right on the issue of nuclear power plants, lacking the primary objective: to explain how, where, why and when.
And there the opportunity to keep quiet, especially now that the emotional crisis in Japan, it would have more than one reason. Half the world wonders about the nuclear issue and these four amateurs come up with a "can not go back," forget that, back in Japan, mean life instead of death. Sentence which seem out of place, besides stupid.
I am not among those who would say no, no ifs, ands or buts, too easy: as the lamp on the bedside light, does not matter if you turn on the atom with French or Swiss ....
are among those who do not want nuclear power because it does not seem to be the right solution, the plants are, in their whole life, too expensive, and then read in the papers this morning, the four budgeted in Italy covers 6% of national demand. But then what do we mean? We use air conditioners less, in fact, do not let us use them, spegnamo more lights in the house, we do not keep appliances on stand-by, we limit the use of electricity where it is strictly necessary, in other words, we do good and healthy energy savings. With that, more than 6 %.... and pundits you put your heart at rest ....
And the cost savings, many beautiful plants trasferiamolo on initiatives that strengthen the presence of the use of renewable sources in Italy and a more intelligent and rational use of energy.
cabbage, I had not thought of that! It 's too easy, and things are easy and common sense, we are not successful.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Alexis Texas Dont Like Black Guys

Here is the list (secret) government of the 45 nuclear sites in Italy

Here's the list:
1. the area along the Po, from north of Chivasso Trino (Vercelli).
2. the area around the south of Dora Baltea Ivrea (Biella)
3. the area north along the Po di Voghera (Pavia)
4. the area south of Mantova along the Po
5. the area south of Cremona on the Po
6. the area south of Legnago between Adige and Po (Rovigo)
7. the area of \u200b\u200bthe Po delta (Rovigo)
8. the area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth of the Piave (Venezia)
9. the coastal area on the border with Friuli (Venezia)

Friuli Venezia Giulia
10. the coastal area on the border with Veneto (Udine)
11. the area along the Tagliamento Spilimbergo and between Latisana (Udine-Pordenone)
Emilia Romagna
12. The coastal area to the north (Ferrara and Ravenna) and the south to Rimini
13. The area north of Bicester between Po and Taro (Parma) Tuscany
14. Pianosa Island (Livorno)
15. the coastal area north of Piombino in Cecina (Livorno)
16. the area south of Piombino to Follonica (Grosseto)
17. the coastal area of \u200b\u200bGrosseto and the area north and south of Monte Argentario (Grosseto)
18. the coastal area of \u200b\u200bMontalto di Castro (Viterbo)
19. the area of \u200b\u200bconfluence between the Tiber and Nera Magliano Sabina or Orte (Viterbo)
20. the coastal area of \u200b\u200bBorgo Sabotino (Latina)
21. Mouth of the Garigliano (Caserta)
22. Foce del Sele (Salerno)

Calabria 23. coastal area of \u200b\u200bSibari (Cosenza)
24. the coastal area between the river and the city of Cosenza Nica.
25. the Ionian coast near the mouth of Neto (Crotone) north of Croton (Strongoli Marina, Torre Melissa, Contrada Cangemi, Trim).
26. the Ionian coast at Marina di Sella, between the river and the river Simeri Alli (Catanzaro)
27. the southern coastal area at the mouth of Biferno (Termoli)
28. coastal area the border with Basilicata (Taranto)
29. coastal area north of the Gargano promontory near Hvar (Foggia)
30. coast of the Gulf of Manfredonia (Foggia)
31. the Ionian coast north of Porto Cesareo (Lecce)
32. the Ionian coast south of Gallipoli (Lecce)
33. the Adriatic coast north of Otranto (Lecce) 34
natural constraints. the coastal area south of Brindisi (Lecce) 35
natural constraints. at the coastal area of \u200b\u200bOstuni (Brindisi)
36. across the Ionian coast of Sardinia region

37. mouth of Flumendosa (Cagliari)
38. south east coast of the Gulf of Orosei (Nuoro)
39. north east coast of the Gulf of Orosei (Nuoro)
40. coastal area south of Pula Santa Margherita di Pula (Cagliari)
41. west coast north and south coast of the Gulf of Oristano (Oristano)
42. coastal area around the town of Licata (Agrigento)
43. the coastal area between Marina di Ragusa and Torre di Mezzo (Ragusa)
44. the coastal area around Gela (Caltanissetta)
45. the coastal area south of Mazara del Vallo (Trapani).

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Living History

Friday, March 11, 2011

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Do We Get Feelings By Touching The Breast?


Also in Milan, Saturday, March 12, shall be a demonstration in defense of the Constitution and the Public School. The initiative is part of a national mobilization that will have as its epicenter Rome The only flag will be the Tricolore, the book will be the only symbol of the Constitution. The event will take place in Largo Cairoli, starting at 15.

All of the opposition parties have been invited to join. On stage will be called to intervene representatives of civil society movements, the professional world of public education, research, culture. Known characters will alternate with active citizens. Among the first speakers already confirmed:

Dario Fo
Vincenzo Consolo
Gioacchino Genchi
Nando Dalla Chiesa
Mario Agostinelli
Salvatore Borsellino
Guido Scorza
Jorge Daniel Carazas
Marilisa D'Amico

have joined so far:
Milan Free Schools Network

Movement Diaries Red Purple People
Liberty and Justice
Arci Milano Milan
Moto spontaneous indignation
The Windmills
self-organized the Provincial Committee for YES 'to the public referendum on water
Free Milan

Legal Network April 29 Democrats - Milan section

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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The Italian roads change names to hunt B.

This morning the place names of the main streets and squares Rome, Florence, Milan and other cities has suddenly changed. A creative blitz to demonstrate that there is an Italy different and indignant. What especially do not feel represented by the President of the Council. The initiative is Nessun Dorma, a spontaneous group of students, professionals and casual workers born from the need to make its voice

Bounty Comercial Voice

YOUR CITY - National Assembly PD


National Assembly Administrators PD
Milan 10 to 11 March 2011 - Marriott Hotel

Washington Street , 66


Thursday, March 10
Secretary Robert Cornell Metropolitan Area of \u200b\u200bMilan PD
Public Administration Reform between technological innovation and subsidiarity
Coordinator Matthew Rossi Responsible Local Authorities PD Lombardia
Oriano Giovanelli President Forum PA PD
Francis Loriga Director SIRIT Rome Province
Bernardo Mattarella Administrative Law Professor, University of Siena
Fabio Rieti Province Melilli previous LED
Marco Meloni PD Head State Reform and Public Administration
Luigi Duse Manager Forum PA Pd Lombardia
administrators spoke of the Regions, the provinces and municipalities
Federalism and Reform of Local
Coordinator Andrea Pacella National Directorate PD
Venice City Councilor Andrea Ferrazzi
Francesco Merloni Administrative Law Professor, University of Perugia and Chairman of the Group
Council on Local Governments Europe
Alessandro Sterpa Research Institutions Public Law, University of Rome La Sapienza
Gianfranco Viesti Professor of Political Economy, University of Bari
Walter Vitali bicameral Commission implementing federalism
Alessandro Alfieri Lombardy Regional Council, Deputy Secretary-Pd Lombardia
League President Eugene
Comincini self-Lombardia
administrators spoke of the regions, provinces and municipalities
Resources, Financial, Taxation
Coordinator Joseph Peta Local Authorities PD
Stella Bianchi Manager PD Ambiente
Massimo Caleo Mayor Sarzana
Cecilia Carmassi Manager PD Family Policies and the Third Sector
bicameral Commission Vice-President Marco Causi implementation of fiscal federalism
Misiana Antonio Chamber of Deputies Budget Committee
Pippo Superti Secretary General ANCI Lombardia
administrators spoke of the Regions, the provinces and municipalities
Best Practices of Local Government: integration, security, rights,
sustainability, participation
Coordinator James D'Arrigo ANCI National Coordinator Young
Vittorio Angiolini Constitutional Law Professor, University Milan State
Luigi Bobbio Professor of Public Policy Analysis, University of Turin
Michele Civita Councillor for Environmental Protection, Land and Rome Province
Emanuele Fiano President PD Security Forum
Ettore Martinelli Manager PD Rights
Manager Anna Maria Parente PD Training
Fausto Raciti Secretary Young Democrats
Cyrus Maddaluno Quality Association Certified Municipalities-Municipalities
administrators spoke of the regions, provinces and municipalities
Friday, March 11
9:50 PM WELCOME to Maurizio Martina Lombardy Regional Secretary PD
10.00 am reading the "Manifesto of the Democratic Administration"
10:10 am Zoggia Explanatory Memorandum for David, Head of Local Authorities PD
DEBATE AT 10.30 HOURS 16:20 Claudio Martini, President of Local Political Forum PD
Speakers some candidates in the upcoming elections:
Presidential Candidate Daniel Higgs Pavia Province, Franco Ceccuzzi Mayor Candidate
Siena, Trieste Mayor Roberto Cosolini Candidate, Piero Fassino Mayor Candidate Torino,
Virginio Merola Mayor Candidate Bologna
CONCLUDES Pier Luigi Bersani
They secured the
their participation:
Alessandro Alfieri Lombardy Regional Council, Deputy Secretary-Pd Lombardy Regional Council
Mario Andrenacci Mayor PORT SANT'ELPIDIO
Dominic Bevacqua Vice President Vladimir Province Cosenza
Mayor Enrico Borghi President UNCEM
Paolo Brambilla Mayor of Vimercate
Brivio Mayor Virginio LECCO
President of Regione Liguria Claudio Burlando
Claudio Camocardi Vice Province of Mantua
Patrizia Casagrande President Province ANCONA
Chiamparino President ANCI
Alessandro Cosimi LIVORNO
Mayor Sergio D'Antoni National Directorate PD
Mayor Graziano Delrio REGGIO EMILIA
Roberto Deriu President Nuoro Province
Beatrice Draghetti President
BOLOGNA BARI Mayor Michele Emiliano
Emilia Romagna Region President Vasco Errani
Stefano Fassina Head and PD ECONOMY WORK
Fausto Pepe Mayor BENEVENTO
Filippeschi Mayor Mark PISA
Fontanili President Maurizio Province MANTUA-Office for the Coordination LOCAL PD
Mayor Simone Franceschi RONCOSCRIVIA
Daniela Gasparini Mayor of Cinisello
Gentiloni President Forum PD ICT
Mayor Lorenzo Guerini LODI
Mauro Guerra President ANCI Small Towns
Piero Lacorazza President Danilo Province POWER
Lever Councillor Molise
Nicola Maffei Mayor Barletta
Catiuscia Marini President Umbria
President Sonia Masini province REGGIO EMILIA
Martino Melchionda EBOLI
Mayor Graziano Milia Province CAGLIARI
President Franco Mirabelli Lombardy Regional Council
Marco Monari PD Parent Emilia Romagna Region Coordination Office
Roberto Montanari LOCAL PD
Giuseppe Nicosia Mayor WIN
George Oldroyd mayor of Sesto San Giovanni
Nicodemo Oliverio's Office for the Coordination LOCAL PD
President Andrea Orlando Forum JUSTICE PD
Cosenza Salvatore Perugini Mayor
Filippo Penati Vice
Lombardy Regional Council Deputy Mayor Stephen Pisani POLLICA
Giuliano Pisapia Candidate City Mayor Michael Paolino MILAN
Office for the Coordination LOCAL PD
Matteo Ricci President Province PESARO
Antonio Rosati County Assessor ROME
Enrico Rossi President of the Region Tuscany Province President Antonio Saitta
Gianni Salvadori Regional Councillor Vito Santarsiero TUSCANY
GD Giacomo Sartori Parabiago
Gian Mario Smash
MARCHE Region President Cristina Tommasini Councillor Autonomous Province Bolzano
Livia Turkish Forum President PD IMMIGRATION
President Robert Vasai Province AREZZO
Marta Mayor Vincent GENOA
Mayor Flavio Zanon PADOVA

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Directors of Elsa Morante

"The head of the government repeatedly sullied during his career
of crimes that, the presence an honest people, they would
deserved condemnation, shame and deprivation of all authority of

Because the people tolerated and even applauded these crimes?

Some callousness to moral, some for cunning, one part
-interest and personal gain.

The majority is made naturally on its activities
criminals, but he preferred to give his vote to the strong rather than

Unfortunately, the Italian people, if you must choose between duty and
advantage, despite knowing what would be his duty, he chooses
always gain.
So a mediocre man, coarse, vulgar eloquence but easy
effect, is a perfect example of his contemporaries.

at an honest people, would be at most the leader of a
small party later, a slightly 'ridiculous for its
manners, his attitudes, his delusions of grandeur, offensive
for the common sense of people and because of his bombastic style and

In Italy he became the head of government.

It is difficult to find a more complete Italian example.
admirer of force, venal, corruptible and corrupt Catholic
without believing in God, conceited, vain, fake good-natured, good
father but with many lovers, who uses
despises, surrounded himself with dishonest, of liars, the inept, the
profiteers, clever mime, and should take effect on an audience
vulgar, but, like any mime, without its own character, one imagines
always be the person who wants to represent. "

Elsa Morante

Whatever you thought, the text of 1945, refers to

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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five per thousand associations of Seriate

download the document from Bergamonews





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In 2010, business failures increased by 20% - still believe BALES TO THIS RIGHT?

They spend their time in Rome in magna-magna General and Italy is sinking.
They exchange favors and privileges (for the usual suspects) and families are suffering.
They try to force the Constitution with laws and sneaky ridiculous and people are forced to borrow money in the bank.
The report of the Bank of Italy is alarming. In 2010, business bankruptcies increased by 20% (as of the premier companies make money hand over fist), the current accounts of families are increasingly suffering (and those of Prime Minister are increasingly bloated), people are turning increasingly bank lending and consumer credit (on which banks and insurance companies profit from the prime minister there great!). The right
spends his time telling lies and fairy tales ridiculous on a phantom federalism and the need for reforms that only serve to protect the prime minister, for the rest "Hopefully, we begin to overcome the crisis "....
do not need to be antiberlusconiani to see the results of an ethical and cultural parliament reduced to so many "sir, sir" in return for jobs, favors, benefits. The so-called leaders, they are recognized to the extent that they are a rich reward in terms of seats.
It 's time to stop. Mandiamoli home!

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Conference: 150 years of united Italy - the contribution of Catholics

Monday, 14. March 2011, 20:45

150 years of united Italy: the contribution of Catholics

Introduces Don Francesco Poli, Centre for the Social Pastoral of the Diocese of Bergamo
coordinates Prof. Silvio Troilo , Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Bergamo Bergamo and Chairman of the UGC
Prof. Roberto Pertici , Professor of Contemporary History and History of the Risorgimento at the University of Bergamo
Prof. Enzo Balboni , Professor of Public Law at the Catholic University of S. Heart of Milan
The meeting is held at 20:45 hours at the House of Young - Hall Nembrini, in Gavazzeni No 13 to Bergamo.
is promoted by the Italian Catholic Jurists, in collaboration with the Diocesan Pastoral Centre Social and Cultural Commitment of the Ecclesial Movement
Location Bergamo, Casa del Giovane

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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dirt is everywhere in the city of Seriate

T Occo a argument certainly secondary to the issues you raised. Yet I consider it a significant issue about whether the spy and as a people (pass me the term that does not want to be populist, as will be understood from the following) loves his land. Wandering in search of plants (my fun for nearly three decades), should I put, like it or not, in all places in which they live. So even the most marginal areas of a city, even in the dumps, ditches, parking lots of apartment buildings and shopping centers. All sites popular with many species that prefer humans without being reciprocated on the other, seeing them as a / the cut.
Well, I do not know if you noticed, but the dirt is everywhere in the city of Seriate. Of course not only in Seriate!, But I can confirm the existence of countries in which the public decorum is certainly greater. I think I can say that the dirt has been raised considerably in recent years.
And if the outside is a mirror of the interior, there is little to be cheerful. Who is ready to write a fine of 500 € to an immigrant guilty (?) To camp out (?) On a bench in town is capable of anything. Even accepting the breakdown of the territory inherited from grandparents. On the other hand, the League, which was facing 20-30 years ago on stage shouting into his posters seriatese (go to see them again! Is instructive!) That the previous administrations (Democrat and like) had ravaged the land, Seriate making a slum dormitory of Bergamo and we never, ever would have allowed further destruction, seized power once made all the worse as she could, hiding with the restoration of some central area. The League has devastated the area - has made a desert and call it development! - And I am surprised to see that the left opposition has not been able to document, numbers in hand, the phenomenon, making it a key element of political struggle. It was built in
Seriate with a swagger never seen before, with the result that the population has increased dramatically in number, but not in civilization. Experience tells me that is a national public affairs in a manner consistent with the image who has. The dirt on the streets of itself may seem a small thing. But it is revealing that those who live in Seriate, often despises. Who administers it, is certainly not less.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

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THE FEDERAL thieving Rome

I leaguers rejoice in Parliament to vote on federalism, past relative majority and with the help of certain so-called (ir) responsible, some of which are elected with the votes of the center and enthusiastically converted on the road to Damascus, because of their high profile political and institutional framework of our premier and his political bunga bunga.
But this was rejected by the federal regions that complain of the failure to respect agreements reached with the government. But legaioli
dear, if federalism does not like the regions, what the hell is federalism? What thieving Rome?

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on federalism, municipal president

links related to the legislative decree on municipal federalism:
1) the text of the legislative decree sent to the Chambers, Report and Technical Report:
2) the text of my speech to the Chamber of Deputies:
3) the text of the House of Representatives Marco Causi, PD Vice President of the Bicameral Committee for fiscal federalism:
4) the report of analysis and presentation I arranged for Legautonomie:
5) Note on the implementation of fiscal federalism by Marco Causi, PD Vice President of the Bicameral Committee for fiscal federalism:

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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"like water" - Lorenzo Jovanotti

When our daughter arrived at the age of the school my wife and we talked and we decided: public school. We could afford to choose from and we have chosen. We thought it was the right thing for her. E 'and our daughter is the person we care about most in the world but is also an Italian girl and Italy has a public school. We knew to put it into a reality problem, but that was the reason for the choice. A public place, which was owned by him as a young town, which was not run like a business and that its principles were based on a religious doctrine in any religion is upheld. A public place, of all and for all, the scene of conquest and errors, of small miseries and wide horizons, the scene of several different types of knowledge and ignorance. There is also to learn from ignorance, not only by the knowledge selected. The school is for everyone, should be for everyone, it's nice that it is, is a great achievement to have a public school, especially the obligation. I've seen countries where the public school is just a word, you are worse off even if a small minority is sitting with the warmth and learn three languages. A need to know three languages \u200b\u200bif you do not know how to talk with a different from you?

Our chairman of the board, saying what he said offends million households and thousands of people who dedicate themselves to teaching the their best time, with care, affection true for those guys. Among the people I know among my relatives were there and there are school teachers, teachers, I have a cousin who is special education teacher at a school in the province. I hear you speak and are not cynics, they do their work with civil passion and with great difficulty for the majority of public school teachers is so. Why offend them? Why unmotivated? Why use a term like "inculcate"? It 's a bad word about a world that does not exist anymore.

The public school is not in competition with private schools, there is the struggle between RAI and Mediaset, or between two supermarkets to gain a spectator or a client more, not put it on this level ... The State is a school which is financed by the taxes of the citizens, even those who do not have children and also those who send their children to private school, this is point. It 'an achievement, it's like you get to the tap water: then everyone can buy mineral water they prefer but woe to those who poison the tap water to sell more mineral water. It 'an achievement of civilization becomes a right when you set out. But it was a right of all children before, only it was conquered, was affirmed.

The public school must be defended, edited, improved. As an idea, and then just as school desks with the children's teachers whiteboards. Must love and be proud of.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Piero Ricca A SERIATE. BUT MISSES anti-politics' BRAVO. Go see it!

books and coffee
------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------
FRIDAY 'March 4 2011 - 21.00 - FREE ENTRY
space at Third World

Piero Ricca
who will present his book-DVD
"Lift your head!"
editions Chiarelettere

Presentation, film screenings and discussions.

Citizen, raise your head! Oxygen to restore democracy in a period of serious moral and political crisis, is crucial to the will of those citizens who do not accept the role of subjects and decide to make their voices heard. In this context, the junction between the square and websites, including civic journalism and videoattivismo, you can read the testimony of Piero Ricca, independent journalist, activist and blogger, known for his objections to the front members of the national oligarchy, for irreverent interviews, for a civic engagement deployed in countless activities and events, in favor of rules and principles of a constitutional nature. For
Dell'Utri is "an asshole"; Labor for a "role model".
For many, starting with Andreotti, is only a "provocateur" for others, beginning with Beppe Grillo, "is a dangerous precedent: if people should leave the country in many imitated."

FRIDAY 'March 4, 2011 - 21.00 - FREE ENTRY
space at Third World
via Italy 73 - Seriate (BG)
info @ spazioterzomondo. com

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Berlusconi, the public school and values \u200b\u200b

Teachers, families, students can not stand still.

You can not stand still and silent in the face and lie to the nth offense.
How can you not react, not to hear the voices of those citizens are at the same time, an actor and a recipient of a place where thought is free, free, is access without distinction of background, religion, sex, race, language and where they teach the values \u200b\u200bof our Constitution and our Republic. Public School of the Italian Republic.
The Prime Minister has come to say that, "teachers inculcate values \u200b\u200bdifferent from those of families, there's need to freely educate their children and then not be forced to send in a school in the state. "

shudder and are horrified by this arrogance and disregard of public schools, teachers, as well as families. But even more surprised by the lack of reaction of public opinion.
The public school, that of the Republican Constitution, has built the value of citizenship, the history of a country reborn, after a period of dictatorship, with the contribution and sacrifice of so many Catholics, not Catholics, socialists, communists, liberal democracy and tolerance, the value of the individual but of society all of a welfare state for all and guarantee of all.
This school was the center of the country's growth. Made up of teachers who passionately (and very little pay) have dedicated their lives to education and education of future citizens.
From what pulpit is a reminder of family values \u200b\u200band civic value!
years is bombard adults, families and adolescents with slogans and actions that, yes, destroyed the value of the emotional ties of family, respect of public affairs and of its laws, solidarity and tolerance, priming individualism, the value of 'look, the stronger over the weak messages that discourage education and the pursuit of knowledge as if it were useless to the person and the country.
slogan that has long throw mud on all operators of public schools, slogans that convey, intentionally, the desire for conflict of families from public schools.
"Public" has become a negative value rather than value added. And to do the systematic action of this government and Prime Minister Berlusconi has been to dismantle the public school system piece by piece: cut 87,400 teachers and 45,000 non-teaching staff, plus students per class, reformed the school and reducing the damaging ' provision of training and eliminating the possibility of customized educational interventions, less resources Financial schools (you constantly asking families to pay fees and to help bring something from home). No intervention to support the training of teachers left alone to manage the reform still confused (not to mention the blocking of their salaries and employment contracts). All this because
and for whom?
Why? Where citizens have the education takes a back seat and where the same public education is relegated to the essentials, it is convenient. The citizen informed, educated and trained, and able to make it self-analysis and critical and this is less convenient.
For whom? Education entrusted to the free market, after having denigrated and destroyed the school Public opens its doors to those who will have access to non-public schools, perhaps funded adequately and consistently, while continuing to cut their school state.
Nothing against non-state schools (I know of very good) but, finally, as he said in 1950 Calamandrei Piero, one of the fathers of our Constitution:
"First of all, a school of the State. The State must provide its schools. First of all the public schools. Prior to enhance the private school must speak of the public school. The public school is the prius, that is the private posterius. For there to be a good private school is necessary that the State is very good ... .... The school of the Republic, the school of State, the school is not a philosophy, a religion, a political party, a sect ... ...

Let us assume, so theoretically, there is a ruling party, a ruling party ... ... ... ... ...
He realizes that the State schools have the defect of being impartial. There is some resistance, in those schools is always there, even under fascism has been there. Then, the dominant party follows another path ... ...
starts to neglect the public schools, to discredit, to impoverish. Let it anemizzino and begins to favor private schools. Not all private schools. The schools of his party, that party. And then all care are beginning to go to these private schools. Cure of money and privileges. He even begins to advise the boys to go to these schools, because basically it says are better than those of the state. And maybe give themselves awards, as now I will tell you, or proposes to give awards to citizens who are willing to send their children to public schools rather than private schools.
And then there's another danger, perhaps even more serious. It is the danger of moral decay in the school. This sense of distrust, cynicism, rather than skepticism that is spreading in schools, especially among young people, is very significant. It is the sunset of the ideas of the old school of Gaetano Salvemini, the Augusto Monti: reliability, accuracy, honesty, punctuality. These simple ideas. Doing their duty, to teach. And that school is a school of character, forming consciences, to forming honest and loyal.

She must have read it right, and Prime Minister Berlusconi has understood that Calamandrei foreshadowed what could be done! Alas, in total silence, and resignation of all.
E 'need to re-join, discuss, Soul of Politics. It 'requires that teachers, political parties, professional associations, intellectuals, trade unions are brought out into the open and be towed to give back to public school the right value it deserves proper attention and reforms aimed at the good of the country and the person.

Bergamo, 27/02/2011

Provincial Secretary FLC CGIL Bergamo

Tobia Sertori

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Last night, during the City Council, we were required to vote Rejection of two-storey building in a very important building on the plain of S. Joseph. Below, the
ns. explanation of vote, which explains the reasons that led us to not vote.

The vote on this instance of rejection is just another step in a path debatable undertaken by the Government on the issue of the Plain of S. Joseph.

On the one hand we have the certainty (see also the minutes of the CC of July 30, 2009) that the Councillor Marcia, hounded by ns. group, did not give due importance to our request to verify compliance to the possible presence of "parties aggrieved" with regard to the deletion of paragraph 8 of Article 11 NTA, stating that there were not (and instead there were all right ...) . On the other hand is nothing new (in the marketplace, and of our PGT tonight. Group is a clear testimony) that the Board is accustomed to doing and undoing itself, undermines the role of the Board municipal pure CA-day administration. From this point of view the decision of the TAR is clear: the Administration, taking forward the issue of dispute with the owners of lots in the plane of S. Joseph by the manager of the sector, has effectively bypassed the city council. To think that the intention was to do quickly is plausible, but the suspicion is that you do not want to disclose much about the issue.

Now back to the Administration by the Council to call for the rejection of the plan since the TAR has argued that the matter fell within the jurisdiction of the City Council.

part of the Group of Democratic Party we have repeatedly called for (even with no interpellations and motions) the protection of the territory by the wild overbuilding Lega implemented by government in the last 15 years, as we have always hoped that the Plains of San Joseph remained green zone, being the last piece of land remained unharmed in the area and being in a critical area that is suffering under the effects of environmental impacts and traffic. We can not emphasize strongly the absurd position of weakness which has got the authority to which it formally clarify once and for all the facts, because the presence of potential beneficiaries of the error legislation from 2007 could make the starting point of rejecting a new set of appeals, not to mention the potential shortfalls / fees, and costs of the legal practices that the community is already supporting. The change of direction, advocated by the Administration itself on the urbanization of city land, it is only right and proper but should be part of a clear and transparent system of governance: how far implemented in the curriculum of the PGT does not leave much hope, Unless a total rethinking of the operational modes of an administration crushed by the heaviness of his past, from the low parts in non-crispness of key functions and the degradation of the function of the Council Hall and a mere functions of the Boards approval to-day administration.

From this point of view, since we are required to vote for which we are not in a position to make objective assessments, the group of the Democratic Party, a sign of disapproval of the overall modus operandi of the Administration will not participate in the vote .