Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Significance Of The 12 In Alabama Football


Merry Christmas to all!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Fastest Point And Shoot Digital Camera 2010

high-speed train station

This timer indicates that there is less than one year to the effective implementation of the high-speed Milan-Bologna.

My plan is to take a train this time, go to Bologna and stopping to eat at one of those places where you eat well and then come back ...

With only four years of delay must have been completed in 2004.

If Herpes Is On The Nose, Is It Contagious?

passing from the central station I saw that is illuminated in an "ice "....

Friday, December 14, 2007

Sojo Cat Food Problems

sure that only the Americans

can call a road Zzyzx Road. It is located in the Mojave Desert:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zzyzx, _California

I'd like to make a list of the names of places, streets, towns, cities most absurd ....

Gnome Newcastle Slide Projector

Sometimes ... I'm going crazy

write a blog that does not read almost any need. In this post

I had the list of accounts that I have on the Internet, divided between those who use and inefficient use. LibraryThing was one of those little used ....

Well, I was contacted by the support of Italian LibraryThing.com where I have been informed that you have added various services. And the added services were exactly what was missing and for that reason I had a little 'left to lose.

Soon record all my books in LibraryThing, eye, approx. 450 ... see what is the final number

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Orihime Ichigo Doujin

to remember all the login and password for all services / sites that I use. For security reasons do not want to write but nowhere is hard to remember everything.

Meanwhile, it is often not possible to login and choose the one that I would have maybe it is already occupied. Then each site / service has a policy for his password, there 'who want to at least one number and / or special characters and password must be at least 8 characters. There 'who (as I use the home banking) and the login and password are only numbers.

I did a quick survey:
  1. to use at least 5 working login / password different
  2. my mail (google) and fortunately that picasa, blog, adsense, Documents, etc. and everything that revolves around a single Google login / pwd
  3. yahoo.com and I still mail@gmail.com
  4. login for my domain provider (solodomini.com)
  5. login to the administration of my domain (spisser.it) - is strangely different from that of provider
  6. eBay to sell and buy via the Internet
  7. paypal: to pay or collect for what you buy or sell on ebay
  8. postepay: alternative to paypal
  9. toll: too easy
  10. 3: bills online
  11. 187 telecom: for invoices online
  12. CartaSì: For online accounts of my credit card
  13. American Express for online accounts from my credit card
  14. ENEL to receive bills online
  15. tiscali this too, for bills online
  16. gforge: a bit 'of open source sometimes does not hurt
  17. VMTN (VMware Network Engineer) for around virtualization technologies
  18. in.solit.us: To share your virtual appliances that create large (> 300MB)
  19. megaupload.com Site alternative in.solit.us
  20. Linkedin: social network dedicated relations professional
  21. del.icio.us: bookmark manager
  22. skype: Who does not?
  23. Photocity: to print your photos online
  24. monster, experteer.de, etc: job search sites
  25. and-trade: what little remained of the stock options of a company in the New Economy
  26. Shelfari: To manage / list book list
  27. previp: pension fund alternative

Then I also joined a lot of sites that I use almost never:
  1. Pownce
  2. Alitalia MilleMiglia
  3. IBM Developerworks
  4. LibraryThing
  5. OpenID Identity through pip.verisignlabs.com
  6. facebook.com
  7. Orkut: social networking google widely used only in Brazil

In all, more than 40!

I see that the trend will continue to increase, as companies are gearing up for unchanged invoices via e-mail and "force" you to register your site.

There 's some approach to allow centralized management of users and the last is OpenID - but this is weak in terms of safety.

For now I've gotten with the memory (rarely) and features "I forgot my password".

If, however continue to rise, I will have to write users in an Excel spreadsheet and then goodbye confidence!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

What Is Bulky Ovaries?

Initiative Humanitarian

Today there 'was a day of food collection where in many supermarkets throughout Italy were collected food (pasta, tuna, tomatoes, rice, etc). Every person who goes to the grocery store can buy some of these foods at the supermarket and then leave the exit to the volunteers who collect everything.

Last year, 5000 tonnes were collected, and these goods are then redistributed to the poor.

A truly commendable initiative, also food bank, the organization that takes care of everything, in the year gathers surplus food and distribute to the poorest.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

3.5 Mm Female Jack Color Diagram

Strange things

This morning I was on the subway and my phone rang.

will say, what is' strange? E 'for ages that I take the subway in Milan, but it is the first time the phone rings while I was in a tunnel halfway between the stops Cairoli and Cadorna.

I did not expect that just arrived also to the underground! It is now left alone to transport the plane without a mobile phone ...

Monica Roccaforte, Free

According to this study ( the full report here), researchers in Europe are paid on average € 23,000 less than their colleagues in the United States. Compared

purchasing power, the researchers are better than those made in Austria taking € 60,000 per year. Italy is the place 13.mo year average with 36,000 €.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

How To Master Masterbation

Youtube Researchers in Europe for Human Rights

The human rights organization Witness, founded in 1992 by Peter Gabriel has released its portal the Hub. "

According to the slogan "See it, film it, change it", you can upload videos that have to do with human rights and share them.

There are already some 'on site ...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Pokemon Heart Gold U Rom

happens to the AdSense site?

Today, when I want to link AdSense to (http://www.google.com/adsense) get this message:

Die Google AdSense-Website ist vorübergehend not available. Please try again later.
We apologize for any inconvenience.

Le site Google AdSense est temporairement indisponible. Terms of service. Nous vous prions de nous
excuser pour le désagrément occasionné.

El sitio web de AdSense de Google no se encuentra disponible en estos momentos. Por favor, más tarde de nuevo inténtelo.
Disculpe las molestias. Il sito AdSense

Tues Google è temporaneamente non disponibile. Provare più tardi la preghiamo Tues.
Ci scusiamo per il discomfort

What's happening?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Drinking Alcohol On My Period

How far you have to do

This funny article explains how IT is done the good manager.

I must say that I noticed several similarities with reality. According to this article I definitely will not be a good IT manager .... :-(

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Great White Shark Vs Anaconda


Here's a way to go at 50km per day:

These people left by Monaco of Bavaria and go to Verona. From the point where the photo was taken missing approx. 200km Verona.

My question: How long does it take to get to Verona, they said, calmly, 4 days! Here

transport than once ...

Friday, November 2, 2007

Is The Bait Bus For Real?


The state Brenner (SS12), I found several posters like this:

The idea would be to transmit signals to drivers about the dangers of driver ... But it seems a little 'black'.

even this joke: "Hallo Raser .. wir warten" ("crazy runners, we expect ")...

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Change Watch From Military Time Alarm Crono

disk capacity

American buyers who bought a Seagate hard by March 22, 2001 and September 26, 2007 may request risercimento . That's because the GB Seagate calculated using 1000 and not 1024 bytes.

So a Gigabyte Seagate is 1,000,000,000 bytes and not 1,073,741,824 bytes (1024 × 1024 × 1024) as it should be.

My new external drive to "500GB" is 500,105,736,192 bytes, then "465 GB".

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Can I Put 15s On 01 Dodge Ram

In 2005, eBay bought Skype for $ 2.6 billion. Two weeks devalues \u200b\u200bskype to $ 1.2 billion admitting it paid too much. See here.

Microsoft buys the 1, 6% of Facebook by paying $ 240 million. This theoretically leads to the assessment of Facebook to $ 15 billion.
Maybe M $ 240 million dollars are few, but evaluate a company like Facebook $ 15 billion is an exaggeration. Okay, the seller has done a good deal, but here sopravalutazioini begin to increase (remember also that Google bought YouTube two years ago).

I remember in 2000 when Tiscali was worth more than the Fiat.

We are the second phase of the Internet bubble? I hope not, because if we do not implode again this gets back up again.

the first Internet bubble was there and I'm still paying any consequence (I have not received all the money I had to).

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Does Heavy Implantation Mean Twins?

Web 2.0 What can not you at home ... The

you away from home. In Italy we are still far from the idea of \u200b\u200bbringing fiber to the home, but in Germany ....

Secondo questo articolo Hansenet, una azienda del Gruppo Telecom Italia, sta pensando Tues cablare la fibra ottica in 15.000 edifici a Amburgo, in questo modo potrebbero raggiungere più utenze 100 000 Tues.

The subsidiary of Telecom Italia is planning to supply in the city of Hamburg as soon as 15,000 houses with more than 100,000 households with a direct fiber connection. This makes it easier for customers to promote new services like Internet television and video conferences.

L'azienda del Gruppo Telecom Italia ha piano di fornire connettività direttamente in fibra ottia edifici a 15 000 - con più famiglie Tues 100,000. Questo Rende più nuovi clienti per semplice attrare TV via Internet e Videoconferencing.

Hansenet then marketed online connections with about 100 megabits per second, twice as fast as the fastest connections to the Telekom.

Hansenet commercializzerà connettività a 100Megabit/secondo, quello che il doppio Tues forniscono Connessioni le più veloci Tues German Telkom.

Hanse Nets plans are aimed directly against the German Telekom. The former monopolist threaten to further customer losses in Germany's second largest city. There is already about half of all DSL users Hansenet customer.

I Piani di Hansenet sono direttamente contro la German Telekom. L'ex monopoly study rischia clienti nella seconda Ulteriori Tues perdere più grande città della Germania, dove già il 50% degli utenti about DSL cliente è Hansenet.

date provides the Telecom Italia subsidiary its customers with DSL and telephony over the copper lines of Deutsche Telekom. But the Bonn Telekom Group currently receives € 10.50 a month per household. For each client whose online connection to take place through the new Hansenet network, this shall be abolished, however. Hansenet also wants its fiber optic lines and other rivals such as Arcor, Deutsche Telekom or Freenet accessible. This CEO will Roesch's investment expected mehr als 50 Millionen Euro wieder reinholen.

Hansenet currently provides DSL connectivity and telephony via the copper Deutsche Telekom, which confers to € 10.50 for each house. For each customer of the new network Hansenet this payment will no longer be carried out, the CEO of Hansenet wants to make available to other competitors connectivity in order to recover the investment of 50 million €.

still spoken of FTTB (Fibre To The Building) and FTTH (Fibre to the home).

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

How Much To Charge For A Poster Design


This post on the site of Beppe Grillo talks about the difficulties of a young man to get the house: or undue influence to 30 years to buy a garage or remains from their parents.

The article however does not correctly describe the situation, but I think it's even worse:
  1. the bank does not finance charges as the cost of the deed, mortgage, connections and even the purchase of furniture. So this money they should already have one (something like € 12,800 to € 7000 + taxes for furniture, total € 19,800). The € 85,850 is the minimum price the house to buy.
  2. most banks give more than 80% of the value of the house. So the bank to € 85,850 while one has to buy a house worth at least € 107,312. The remaining € 21,462 will be one we already have in your pocket (unless you are so lucky to be able to buy a house 80% of its value, which is rather unlikely).
  3. Thus, adding the € 19,800 to € 21,462, comes the modest sum of € 41,262.
  4. How long does it take a person who earns € 1,330 a month to set aside € 41,262?
  5. 31 months Theoretically, if the parents fund everything and one can save 100%
  6. paying for the costs for work clothes, lunch, evening out a few here and there and then save more or less half 6 or 7 years.
  7. paying for the phone, some holidays, disco, etc, probably 15-20 years.
Because it is so difficult to put aside the money early and still one does not want to give up everything for life, one thinks twice before embarking on a commitment of 30 years to live alone in a studio or garage adapted.

There 's always the possibility of going to live with some friend to share the costs, but living together is not easy and then you do not enjoy freedom like when you live alone.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Instructions Mountain King Christmas Tree

value of the shares

Periodically I go to see how they are actions that I bought during the boom of the new economy. Here: