Wednesday, October 17, 2007

How Much To Charge For A Poster Design


This post on the site of Beppe Grillo talks about the difficulties of a young man to get the house: or undue influence to 30 years to buy a garage or remains from their parents.

The article however does not correctly describe the situation, but I think it's even worse:
  1. the bank does not finance charges as the cost of the deed, mortgage, connections and even the purchase of furniture. So this money they should already have one (something like € 12,800 to € 7000 + taxes for furniture, total € 19,800). The € 85,850 is the minimum price the house to buy.
  2. most banks give more than 80% of the value of the house. So the bank to € 85,850 while one has to buy a house worth at least € 107,312. The remaining € 21,462 will be one we already have in your pocket (unless you are so lucky to be able to buy a house 80% of its value, which is rather unlikely).
  3. Thus, adding the € 19,800 to € 21,462, comes the modest sum of € 41,262.
  4. How long does it take a person who earns € 1,330 a month to set aside € 41,262?
  5. 31 months Theoretically, if the parents fund everything and one can save 100%
  6. paying for the costs for work clothes, lunch, evening out a few here and there and then save more or less half 6 or 7 years.
  7. paying for the phone, some holidays, disco, etc, probably 15-20 years.
Because it is so difficult to put aside the money early and still one does not want to give up everything for life, one thinks twice before embarking on a commitment of 30 years to live alone in a studio or garage adapted.

There 's always the possibility of going to live with some friend to share the costs, but living together is not easy and then you do not enjoy freedom like when you live alone.


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