Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Does Heavy Implantation Mean Twins?

Web 2.0 What can not you at home ... The

you away from home. In Italy we are still far from the idea of \u200b\u200bbringing fiber to the home, but in Germany ....

Secondo questo articolo Hansenet, una azienda del Gruppo Telecom Italia, sta pensando Tues cablare la fibra ottica in 15.000 edifici a Amburgo, in questo modo potrebbero raggiungere più utenze 100 000 Tues.

The subsidiary of Telecom Italia is planning to supply in the city of Hamburg as soon as 15,000 houses with more than 100,000 households with a direct fiber connection. This makes it easier for customers to promote new services like Internet television and video conferences.

L'azienda del Gruppo Telecom Italia ha piano di fornire connettività direttamente in fibra ottia edifici a 15 000 - con più famiglie Tues 100,000. Questo Rende più nuovi clienti per semplice attrare TV via Internet e Videoconferencing.

Hansenet then marketed online connections with about 100 megabits per second, twice as fast as the fastest connections to the Telekom.

Hansenet commercializzerà connettività a 100Megabit/secondo, quello che il doppio Tues forniscono Connessioni le più veloci Tues German Telkom.

Hanse Nets plans are aimed directly against the German Telekom. The former monopolist threaten to further customer losses in Germany's second largest city. There is already about half of all DSL users Hansenet customer.

I Piani di Hansenet sono direttamente contro la German Telekom. L'ex monopoly study rischia clienti nella seconda Ulteriori Tues perdere più grande città della Germania, dove già il 50% degli utenti about DSL cliente è Hansenet.

date provides the Telecom Italia subsidiary its customers with DSL and telephony over the copper lines of Deutsche Telekom. But the Bonn Telekom Group currently receives € 10.50 a month per household. For each client whose online connection to take place through the new Hansenet network, this shall be abolished, however. Hansenet also wants its fiber optic lines and other rivals such as Arcor, Deutsche Telekom or Freenet accessible. This CEO will Roesch's investment expected mehr als 50 Millionen Euro wieder reinholen.

Hansenet currently provides DSL connectivity and telephony via the copper Deutsche Telekom, which confers to € 10.50 for each house. For each customer of the new network Hansenet this payment will no longer be carried out, the CEO of Hansenet wants to make available to other competitors connectivity in order to recover the investment of 50 million €.

still spoken of FTTB (Fibre To The Building) and FTTH (Fibre to the home).


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