Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Orihime Ichigo Doujin

to remember all the login and password for all services / sites that I use. For security reasons do not want to write but nowhere is hard to remember everything.

Meanwhile, it is often not possible to login and choose the one that I would have maybe it is already occupied. Then each site / service has a policy for his password, there 'who want to at least one number and / or special characters and password must be at least 8 characters. There 'who (as I use the home banking) and the login and password are only numbers.

I did a quick survey:
  1. to use at least 5 working login / password different
  2. my mail (google) and fortunately that picasa, blog, adsense, Documents, etc. and everything that revolves around a single Google login / pwd
  3. yahoo.com and I still mail@gmail.com
  4. login for my domain provider (solodomini.com)
  5. login to the administration of my domain (spisser.it) - is strangely different from that of provider
  6. eBay to sell and buy via the Internet
  7. paypal: to pay or collect for what you buy or sell on ebay
  8. postepay: alternative to paypal
  9. toll: too easy
  10. 3: bills online
  11. 187 telecom: for invoices online
  12. CartaSì: For online accounts of my credit card
  13. American Express for online accounts from my credit card
  14. ENEL to receive bills online
  15. tiscali this too, for bills online
  16. gforge: a bit 'of open source sometimes does not hurt
  17. VMTN (VMware Network Engineer) for around virtualization technologies
  18. in.solit.us: To share your virtual appliances that create large (> 300MB)
  19. megaupload.com Site alternative in.solit.us
  20. Linkedin: social network dedicated relations professional
  21. del.icio.us: bookmark manager
  22. skype: Who does not?
  23. Photocity: to print your photos online
  24. monster, experteer.de, etc: job search sites
  25. and-trade: what little remained of the stock options of a company in the New Economy
  26. Shelfari: To manage / list book list
  27. previp: pension fund alternative

Then I also joined a lot of sites that I use almost never:
  1. Pownce
  2. Alitalia MilleMiglia
  3. IBM Developerworks
  4. LibraryThing
  5. OpenID Identity through pip.verisignlabs.com
  6. facebook.com
  7. Orkut: social networking google widely used only in Brazil

In all, more than 40!

I see that the trend will continue to increase, as companies are gearing up for unchanged invoices via e-mail and "force" you to register your site.

There 's some approach to allow centralized management of users and the last is OpenID - but this is weak in terms of safety.

For now I've gotten with the memory (rarely) and features "I forgot my password".

If, however continue to rise, I will have to write users in an Excel spreadsheet and then goodbye confidence!


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