Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Razor Scooter 4 Year Old


VIVA ITALY - Francesco de Gregori

Long live Italy, liberated Italy, Italy

of the waltz, Italy coffee.
Italy robbed and shot in the heart,
Long live Italy, the Italy that never dies.

Long live Italy, taken by surprise,
Italy murdered by the newspapers and through the concrete,
Italy with dry eyes in the dark night,
Long live Italy, Italy who is not afraid.

Long live Italy, Italy is in the midst of the sea, forgotten
Italy and Italy to forget, Italy
half garden and half prison
Long live Italy, Italy whole .

Long live Italy, the Italy that works,
Italy that is desperate, who falls in love with Italy, Italy
half luck and half duty,
Long live Italy, Italy on the moon.

Long live Italy, Italy on 12 December,
Italy with flags, Italy naked as always,
Italy with sad eyes open in the night,
Long live Italy, Italy who resists.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Milena Velba Real Fake


The pundits in the government, rant rubbish and misses to the right on the issue of nuclear power plants, lacking the primary objective: to explain how, where, why and when.
And there the opportunity to keep quiet, especially now that the emotional crisis in Japan, it would have more than one reason. Half the world wonders about the nuclear issue and these four amateurs come up with a "can not go back," forget that, back in Japan, mean life instead of death. Sentence which seem out of place, besides stupid.
I am not among those who would say no, no ifs, ands or buts, too easy: as the lamp on the bedside light, does not matter if you turn on the atom with French or Swiss ....
are among those who do not want nuclear power because it does not seem to be the right solution, the plants are, in their whole life, too expensive, and then read in the papers this morning, the four budgeted in Italy covers 6% of national demand. But then what do we mean? We use air conditioners less, in fact, do not let us use them, spegnamo more lights in the house, we do not keep appliances on stand-by, we limit the use of electricity where it is strictly necessary, in other words, we do good and healthy energy savings. With that, more than 6 %.... and pundits you put your heart at rest ....
And the cost savings, many beautiful plants trasferiamolo on initiatives that strengthen the presence of the use of renewable sources in Italy and a more intelligent and rational use of energy.
cabbage, I had not thought of that! It 's too easy, and things are easy and common sense, we are not successful.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Alexis Texas Dont Like Black Guys

Here is the list (secret) government of the 45 nuclear sites in Italy

Here's the list:
1. the area along the Po, from north of Chivasso Trino (Vercelli).
2. the area around the south of Dora Baltea Ivrea (Biella)
3. the area north along the Po di Voghera (Pavia)
4. the area south of Mantova along the Po
5. the area south of Cremona on the Po
6. the area south of Legnago between Adige and Po (Rovigo)
7. the area of \u200b\u200bthe Po delta (Rovigo)
8. the area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth of the Piave (Venezia)
9. the coastal area on the border with Friuli (Venezia)

Friuli Venezia Giulia
10. the coastal area on the border with Veneto (Udine)
11. the area along the Tagliamento Spilimbergo and between Latisana (Udine-Pordenone)
Emilia Romagna
12. The coastal area to the north (Ferrara and Ravenna) and the south to Rimini
13. The area north of Bicester between Po and Taro (Parma) Tuscany
14. Pianosa Island (Livorno)
15. the coastal area north of Piombino in Cecina (Livorno)
16. the area south of Piombino to Follonica (Grosseto)
17. the coastal area of \u200b\u200bGrosseto and the area north and south of Monte Argentario (Grosseto)
18. the coastal area of \u200b\u200bMontalto di Castro (Viterbo)
19. the area of \u200b\u200bconfluence between the Tiber and Nera Magliano Sabina or Orte (Viterbo)
20. the coastal area of \u200b\u200bBorgo Sabotino (Latina)
21. Mouth of the Garigliano (Caserta)
22. Foce del Sele (Salerno)

Calabria 23. coastal area of \u200b\u200bSibari (Cosenza)
24. the coastal area between the river and the city of Cosenza Nica.
25. the Ionian coast near the mouth of Neto (Crotone) north of Croton (Strongoli Marina, Torre Melissa, Contrada Cangemi, Trim).
26. the Ionian coast at Marina di Sella, between the river and the river Simeri Alli (Catanzaro)
27. the southern coastal area at the mouth of Biferno (Termoli)
28. coastal area the border with Basilicata (Taranto)
29. coastal area north of the Gargano promontory near Hvar (Foggia)
30. coast of the Gulf of Manfredonia (Foggia)
31. the Ionian coast north of Porto Cesareo (Lecce)
32. the Ionian coast south of Gallipoli (Lecce)
33. the Adriatic coast north of Otranto (Lecce) 34
natural constraints. the coastal area south of Brindisi (Lecce) 35
natural constraints. at the coastal area of \u200b\u200bOstuni (Brindisi)
36. across the Ionian coast of Sardinia region

37. mouth of Flumendosa (Cagliari)
38. south east coast of the Gulf of Orosei (Nuoro)
39. north east coast of the Gulf of Orosei (Nuoro)
40. coastal area south of Pula Santa Margherita di Pula (Cagliari)
41. west coast north and south coast of the Gulf of Oristano (Oristano)
42. coastal area around the town of Licata (Agrigento)
43. the coastal area between Marina di Ragusa and Torre di Mezzo (Ragusa)
44. the coastal area around Gela (Caltanissetta)
45. the coastal area south of Mazara del Vallo (Trapani).