Monday, February 7, 2011

Free Beautiful Agony Orgasm Clips ?

Suspended in the blue (Monte Alpi, February 6, 2011)

Frighteners blue

When the mountain welcomes you to memorable days is hard to tell it: feelings, smells, sounds, faces and breath of who's next for a moment or for the entire day settle in the back happy memories and timeless

We are on the north shoulder of the mountain known as Monte Alpi (someone tell me which is called the Alps), specifically under the wheels of the Holy Cross summit: The day is calm, clear as the friendship between all participants in this ascension: the channel of snow, the way that will allow us to keep in the progression, is very low even if perceived by Mimmo assures us that we attack right: from a distance the mountain looked so readable, as bright white, but now slopes mixed with trees lead me to scan well: smile and eyes meet, silent but full of meaning, words and expressions of sympathy make fast glad this ascent: each When I'm amazed to think how these sacrifices for the mind and body to be a joy if faced with the right mood, the hardships and difficulties lay bare the best of each of us, there are those who help and those who allow themselves to help, who recommended and he who is without counsel.
is true mountaineering school, today, this climb from the North: the air is calm without a breath of wind now that we are at 1500 meters, roped to the parade along the channel and it is wonderful to turn our gaze to the down and see this colorful snake that winds on the slopes that are still acceptable: Massimo systematically ask if we overcome gradients of a certain degree and he systematically dampens my estimation too far: in the less exposed, before taking a small step a bit 'more technical with a mixture of III (intermediate) degree, the ropes side by side, exchanging small is beautiful impressions, jokes and panting with others who are close to you: The consortium involves much attention to who's ahead and behind, does not leave much time for reflection and care of body, mind and technical progress must never give way to other thoughts, but as soon as we can, it piacevolossimo, therefore, call and feel calling from other strings and exchanging small and immediate sensations, Max taught me several steps, as if the dances for the progrssione: always follow his footsteps and I adapt by building on this experience, Mimmo while, below, reminds me of the use of prudent step, with crampons, should rather be beaten that posed simply. The snow, however, today compact but not last step allows a more "light" and stops in small steps left calf rest and joints, with extreme caution over the passage of the fun mixed approaches, we are about 1700 meters and slopes of 65/70 ° Max small grooves solid push to take away the "they like" adrenaline Mimmo while now growing calls to step more peaceful and safer paths, but these grooves are too tempting and Max is uncontrollable, " piolet-traction "now beginning to enjoy a little 'and to influence not just with what you feel in practice today, I repeat, is true mountaineering school for me as I approach the first few times this practice. Now the strings are stretched and ragged and very attentive to the passing of these passages are pending; Max, not content, he decided to "break" and a frame in less than no time and I find myself in, rather than a frame, it seems to me a white wall of snow: Max, now above the cornice and above all my wildest thoughts, I am sure, while I like a sloth in the plain hard work and pushing through, the snow is soft and my technique "superfine" makes the entire fall snow below: Mimmo fills me with "benevolent reproach" near the mountain waterfalls, but it is made, I'm out and, subsequently, Mimmo than happy hugs Max, while liberating a scream I get from the throat without any restraint: that show up here now that all the strings are on the ridge.
We disconnected and piecemeal we head towards the summit of Pizzo Falcone for his gentle ridge East: all the peaks of the South are so visible and distinguishable, and the "five queens" of the Pollino they are deployed to South strongholds to be used to recognize the other lower peaks. Right now I'm alone, thought to be the first time I've walked these mountains, little more than sixteen, and the last time, when Antonio was still to fill air and soul with his voice loud and clear as the sky today: the story of Enzo and Franco, and so run down a bit 'sad.
We are literally immersed and suspended in the blue, the summit offers once again the spectacle of the faces of the summit, so serene and quiet now that there is no hurry to get off: the group photo stop at the moment and then by the Holy Cross and on the way back.
There were now many, many new faces and a lot of magazines, and many many more to know with whom you consolidate friendships and affections related to the mountain: we were beautiful and memorable day that can only lead to an appreciation and a to embrace all living the dream for another.

the next

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some pictures of how beautiful we were ...


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