Monday, January 10, 2011

Who Does The Best Sew In Weaves In Memphis,tn

I hope that I manage (Serra Dolcedorme, January 9, 2011)

I hope that I manage (Serra Dolcedorme, January 9, 2011)
For those in the mountains reading the description of the route is part of that preparation that helps to better understand the place where you go, but at the end of each card you come across in the ritual says, "Route hikers / climbers experienced and well trained. " And then every time you wonder how much preparation and technical expertise may be needed and whether its capacity sufficient.
was born with that approach this trip "alpine skiing" proposed by the CAI of Castrovillari and edited by Massimo Franco and the smallest details: a bit 'of concern on the adequate preparation is was pulverized by their words of welcome, encouragement and incentive to live this new way of emotions, the so-called "Via Luzzo" to get on the roof of the south in winter. To tell the truth now the winter, as well as a few days ago, went on vacation and the high temperature has cleaned up the mountain on the southern slope where the snow is a typical spring pap.

But the joy of the participants and the desire to live this ascension is so much that you put in motion with cheerfulness and enthusiasm. The approach to the snow-covered gully is long, we start at 900 meters (Valle Piana) to take to the road near the channel where we find the first snow only to 1600 meters, just above where we form the teams.

A series of valuable tips and tricks are taught by Franco, Massimo, Domenico and all other men and women Alpine Rescue of Calabria that I am here today as volunteers to give a little 'more security to the streets of the mountain. The air is clear and the spectacle offered to us is great, some minor problems found in a "neck bottle "-formed by rocks and steps II / III that are made treacherous by the lack of snow, a mixed lot of fun where crampons" bite "the rock face but carefully-make us lose a lot ' time and patience, fortunately, the air is warm and there cool. This essential and sensitive makes me think of what they mean all the funnels in the mountains and only now I can better understand many descriptions and accounts of trips where talk about these problems of crowding on the streets of the mountain, and Himalayan. Along with balls of frozen snow, the canal discharge of stones, not so much luck, but that create apprehension on the ropes: I understand how important both these cases have all the minimum safety equipment, I am referring to the helmet, and position themselves intelligently in the way, as well as the suggested maximum terminated.

last climb in the snow, which took shape after almost 1800 meters, so you walk up the steps of ax leaning against the snow that keeps well. In the middle of the street, which now has a slope of 45 degrees or so, Mimmo, climbing partner and expert knowledge of the mountain, pulling out of the backpack that charges a treat mind and body: dried figs dipped in honey and who knows what other delicious substance (alcohol-based I think).

Right now we are in a narrow gorge, a wonderful but little snow and finally "I find myself being there" in those beautiful frames I have ever seen in the photos of other mountain lovers today I have to cross these "V" made of snow and rocks, pine loricati clinging to the wall for many years, they look at you and welcome you: the mountain today welcomed us very kindly, we are many: some gust of wind colder already close to the ridge, to 2000 meters, leaving reminds me chills on the body warm. The trouble is, for someone you feel dippiĆ¹, others less when there is loose on the crest well over a thousand yards were filled with 1367 meters of total height difference. Many are still to make a well-earned snack: I almost did not realize I am one step away from a goal that many times when I wanted to read and study made by companies other enthusiasts: climb the Mountain of Dolcedorme all snow, I stop and Massimo scrutinize the channel where many anxious cordate trudging down a bit 'late: the lack of preparation in some cases these can block entire cordate, with a quick glance tells me to climb to the summit and then join me, we miss only about twenty of minutes even if the summit is not visible: these words I giving new enthusiasm and I, Stephan and Rocco we go back to rise: now everyone makes his own way, the strings loose draw a line of people at a distance from each other, each in his own thoughts, in their joy, satisfaction and effort to take the final thought out and took steps towards the goal . My heart is full of happiness and I think these feelings potermele bring back to life while the peak still gives the best show, "Faces of the summit," the faces of those who are peaceful, who is happy and satisfied with those who can not wait to find refreshment in an exchange of delicacies in Serbia almost made for special occasions, among them a chocolate cake in a backpack that Carla has traveled twice in nine days is the Castrovillari-Serra Dolcedorme: I need to taste a piece and I agree with Enzo just arrived and bright for the business fulfilled. The natural scenery is superb and there are those who never tires of portraying 360 ° photos: it's a bit 'late when together with Massimo Franco, who is now more relaxed, come on top of happy and satisfied to have brought so many people at the top , many "ciuati" they would say.
The mountain is now beginning to come in the colors red sunset and the sun gives us a bit 'more so that passes a few rays of sun behind some High cloud of red, painting this time the highest peaks and Orsomarso all of us that we are going to get off the "canyon of the Beech Grosso" in a descent that involves not just the joints rather tired. Now it's dark and a row of small lights like fireflies winds through the woods, in dribs and drabs to the cars this is the time to talk about a little 'life quietly and we will exchange experiences of other moments in the mountains.
've done it: I feel I thank from my heart for this wonderful adventure: Massimo Franco (ciuati leaders) who have given me confidence, CAI Castrovillari in people of Eugene and Mimmo (just to name a few) who welcomed us warmly and welcomed the group, Dominic and all of the mountain rescue volunteers of Calabria, which have made sure this ascension, the Friends of the Mountain of sympathy that have colored the whole day, old friends who have shared this day she began today in the night.

He emphasized Karl Unterkircher "Those who do not live mountain I will never understand. The mountain called . "

... I hope that I manage!

the next.

graphics processing on GPS surveys by Stephan S.

the way Luzzo

... and finally I was there!


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