Friday, February 25, 2011

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government fees strangle Italy

majority government came to an end. The decree Milleproroghe who are voting in the House and Senate is concrete evidence that can not govern and do not have a strategy to combat the economic crisis. The slogan 'less taxes for all' was empty, the truth is that the tax increase affecting everyone. Even though the news did not say are ; increasing the price of movie ticket , leave banks include interest on current accounts, will allow regions to raise various taxes, take away funds from cancer research for fines to breeders who have cheated on milk quotas Europe. On'll find all the increases introduced with this decree Millet.

This week the PD is took to the streets for the citizens of Libya . Government still has not reached a clear-cut condemnation of the massacres at the Gaddafi regime and the whole world remembers the kiss of Berlusconi to Gaddafi a few months ago. A picture that these days Bersani also posted on Facebook , reminds us that behavior is unacceptable and disrespectful to thousands of Libyans killed in bombing raids. In Italy we say this not. We did it in the square and let me say in Parliament.

Tonight Bersani will attend the ceremony in Sasso Marconi in which a circle of PD be entitled to Angelo Vassallo. Remember the sacrifice and the testimony of a servant of the institutions such as the mayor of Pollica killed by the Camorra will an opportunity for the revival of the battle for good policy against interest, speculation and corruption. Our policy is based on commitment to the rule of law, institutions freed from the constraints of economic powers and criminal, for the development part of the territory. So if you are inviting you to join Milan on Monday to ' Economics, Finance, Northern Ireland: the new anti-mafia ' . A meeting with Enrico Letta, Andrew Orlando, Emanuele Fiano, lawyers and businessmen like Ivan Lo Bello. We do it because unfortunately also the north is a land of conquest mafias , although the government does not want to admit.

Stefano Di Traglia
Communications Manager Pd


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