Sunday, June 20, 2010

Software Exception C0000005 Error In Tally9

From Hollyhock us is a flower


I know him
this rustling reeds
on arid slopes
disputed by the landslide
these rocks and thin
where the winds and fogs
damage Meeting silences
burdens evening
step on the tired mules.
E 'little water flowing
and the valleys are dry
split, clay.
Hence the herds migrate
the late autumn
the plain of marine
dipping steps in the swamps.
Hence increased malaria
for small stations on Basento
bleak sign of oleander.
with us is a hollyhock flower
that trembles with the basil
on rotten windows
in a vase of faded terracotta
and rosemary growing in the meadows
on the slopes of the streets
holes next to the moles.
Here rests the hawk and the owl
marks our death.
Here the world is far,
but there is a smell of earth and acacia
and the bread tastes like wheat.

Mario Trufelli


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