Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What Does Lupus Look Like On Black People

In the arms of the patriarch 18072010

In the arms of the Patriarch

We move to enjoy the cool of the highest points and shady beech, now that sultry heat and do not allow the ideas to study routes for the summit: the rest of the day promises time and have already reached between us is all'Impiso a race for who guesses the time of the rain forecast, always available and updated on intenet, not if you do not bring rain in the late afternoon but the sky communicates very different sensations: cumulonimbus clouds scattered in training and look at us and warn. Let the road with two nice hikers Ivrea for the first time on the Pollino who want to reach the summit of Mount of Apollo: the tips, guidance until Gaudolino, the shortest path along with weather concerns.

We go to the forest and the small Pollinelle top of them and then go to visit the grand old man, the patriarch of the Pollino with its nearly one thousand years is still there to witness the mountain.
The mascots of the small group can not wait to caress the mighty roots we're talking about stressing a bit 'to make it more appealing this search: pass Pollinelle small saddle, where the route deviates decided to head east take the first drops of water in the channel after hearing him beat Scale Gaudolino, we pause a moment to understand the evolution: a burst in the distance, toward the greenhouse Dolcedorme intimidates us but at the same time tells us that the worst is elsewhere.

So, after the rain, we gain the path that leads us to the top of Pollinelle and a half ' now we have to admire the southern side, full of loricati clinging to the rocks. Our patriarch stands far beyond the beech with her hair and is as close and accessible than the rocky ridges that rise from the South to the Serra Dolcedorme.

is very good to be here today to see peace throughout the valley and the heights thanks to the presence of ' encouragement of the great children climb up through the beech forest than in clear path leads us towards our goal: the arrival of the Patriarch in me always arouses great emotion: you climb on letteralemnte roots which also includes large boulders and reach far beyond the trunk this tree is a monument that everyone, especially children, should be able to see and touch raggiungedolo slowly on its own feet.

The bark of this tree really gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe armor of Roman soldiers, the lorica, with his strength, so as to remember a friend who called them, therefore, "armored pines."

sitting on these benches that are special and unique roots of the patriarch, as if the arms that greet you, eat with peace of mind our frugal meal, while the sky man hand sends signals of "timeout" is now.

We put floor plan in motion, sorry but aware that it is time to accelerate because the rain could be a moment at the entrance to another. So it is: after the harness that brings us to the first water and then hail Gaudolino remind us of what may be the mountain face the path brisk but careful and children can savor for the first time the weight of hailstones on the body and the sudden cold after the heat: Sofia scared a bit 'faster than the others to hear the roar of thunder behind us but fortunately lightning while they are still very close behind the crest of Mount Pollino; even Tex, the dog to our result, wet d 'Water is intimidating and does not stray too much: we are all in a row but distant from each other even though sometimes some forget this important rule in a storm, not be too close to children under the hail and the roar of thunder is no rule to be followed; Enzo protects the head of the Sofia hand and in the blink of an eye on the trail almost whitening. But we already Gaudolino and the shower is almost finished: the hut welcomed us for a short break refreshed useful to change some clothing.

Quest'acquazzone prorpio it took for me: we continue our walk serene and happy and to clear the high Vacquarro observe a strange cloud layer, almost like a cartoon character known someone here and there some strawberry delight the palate and we are again all'Impiso to put your feet in sandals.
It went well today: calm and excited for the wonderful day thank the mountain for welcoming us today and giving us rest for the soul.


a tarantula (or Wolf Spider) found on the course and the rest of her company ...

the next


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