Friday, June 4, 2010

Hamilton Abortion Provider

Eianina: emotions and laughter in the vertical (02062010)


Eianina: emotions and laughter in the vertical (02062010)

Thanks to a wonderful opportunity given to us by CAI Castrovillari and his associates find ourselves willing to live and experience the thrill of putting hands and feet on the rock to secure a mountain live a little 'more vertical.

Eianina The arrival at about 9 am I to create some 'dismay at the sight, under a leaden sky that blocks the first rays of sun, these amazing cliffs that rise from the ground and especially from thinking that someone up there moves as if it were in his slippers at home.
to welcome us, however, in the small knot of people all anxious to get their hands on the rock, there are two exquisite people and pigeons, Calabrian occasion in less than no time are transformed into animals by the wall, the shoes with rubber spiders clinging to the rock where least expected and instruct us, hanging on handles invisible but they provide there, what to do. From a very warm welcome body, as if exhausted arcs, spread the rays of sun and clouds gave way to a fantastic day.
U Lupu "begins to spur us poor aspiring climbers, especially me, to move all parts of the body to reach the end of the route: spread as those of a sloth cartoon, but always at risk of bouncing a ball hanging from a rope, but I find myself wanting to give up a legendary phrase "go, whose teeth, whose teeth," she allows, after minutes of stasis mystical "about what I do here "to reach the infamous chain that marks the end of the street ... and lucky for us only to "bad babies"! The other company Calabria-Lucania learn and move which is a beauty under the advice of teachers who are at the bottom to make sure: the kids who try and do the climbs are a spectacle: a clean fun of this kind takes away any anxiety young and old, so it's like therapy emphasizes Imma.
the first experience of consumption accelerated rubber and leather we head toward something more complex, the "Mountain Lion", a wall about 10 to 15 meters away from having that already causes me some concern, and then close whispers, "Forget it, forget it!" . But we have "u Lupu and Imma in support and so, after having observed and understood what it means to ascend to the first and other terms of climbing, we begin to trust and take delight in laying their hands on the rock, beautiful ... but how hard for people like me who only knew of vertical ascent in the elevator condominium! A pischelletto of even ten years likes to go where others trudging and a pleasure to hear back from climbing to the emotions with phrases from the series "come here today, this is just a nice gift", a phrase that should be encouraged many parents to bring children into the mountains. The gift for adults, however, drove him out Savior Panellinia a whole delicious stuffed peppers, "the baker", food to those who have to bite the fingers that other rock, snacks and various industrial genres. In a short time with the help of all the board is set up and over the rock we eat something: my poor body are affected as the necessary rest before giving the nth vertical climb.

The merry band so is to end the day that have passed the 16.00 while a series of mountain lions attacking the cliff lit by the sun for more parts with dexterity, muscle and acrobatic skills, but always with the necessary caution and in complete safety: leaving a bit 'of our hearts on Today these cliffs that gave us so much joy, excitement and serenity, we are truly grateful to those with passion, dedication and effort in the preparation of walls also allowed many to get close to the mountain, even if a mountain is more technical and certainly much more vertical! We thank Imma Except for all the patience and offer explanations in the precious and injections of confidence that have made all the time, basic foundation for those who live the mountain, we hope to be there for upcoming events and maybe make ourselves useful to help someone learn this practice that promotes human relations environment in our host and run the way for broader protection of our land, our land .

At the next



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