Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What Is Ge Lisinopril Used For?

On crest of Britain (Timpa San Lorenzo 10,102,010)

That it would seem a birdwatching excursion: in fact even the shadow of eagles in a beautiful warm day in October, a day-based hard rock and cliff faces. But the latter are those from which we systematically facing to enjoy spectacular scenery and breathtaking, although to be honest, for myself my breath has cropped up that the most natural spectacle. It starts at around 600 meters above sea level or less and now entertainment exalt the soul begin to "scramble" for free, walk with all grade I (?), I think, no more: but we find some nails left with rope and quick link to those who must have been deployed in the room: at this point sicuramnete we are no longer able to go down and our only proceed uphill until you reach the crest rather sharp in an ideal position to see the scale of the barrel that is on the other hand, the Timpa di Cassano, while below us the ' entrance of the gorge, and Barile Raganello only the gurgling of the suction.

It goes on as the edge of the ridge Start to accuse already signs of slowing down and the water we drink does not seem to be never enough: Giuseppe always in sight and never sweated before, unlike me who left copious sweat on the rocks as if they were a trail of passion, I realize My physical preparation climbing: the steps are getting heavier as more and more arms falling and we are not yet at an altitude of 1000! Now the day becomes for me an incredible grind for every inch gained, the mind wants to go up but the body, heavy weight, tends to crumble down, so I often find myself sitting in a deep breath: there's not much to do Today, almost stumbles breathing in unison with their feet! But it goes on, not a spring day where the sky seems to be placed on the ridge. The other stretch now and desist from attempting to recover and try to make my ascent, with my hand, with my thoughts. Rocco is with me, we have the same difficulties but also the same desire to reach the top: every now and then you move on the edge of the ridge to breathe more discovered these incredible spaces below us. So after 4 hours of climb scarce here we are, reach out to others sitting near the cairn that marks the highest point of this mass of rock called Timpa San Lorenzo: even today a little prayer and a thank you through my head and heart: this mountain so hard, unlike the futile, it shows everything in a different light, and the satisfaction of not having given up even if "physically broken" drives to give thanks for the thoughts we've done it once.

Fast way to group photos and the descent, another beast to watch out for trying to keep my legs which now have no master, they seem to show a couple of sessions unwanted "on the slippery stones. But two hours after the terrible descent is also abundant done and now we look with satisfaction, and a certain disbelief, the route developed: I do not think True, watching parts of the route, which was attacked a few hours before it hands and feet on steep slopes: the last walk on the road that leads us to the car is almost a stretch as I think of what my body will be sore tomorrow. It matters little, the soul of today has had it magical, unique and serene and this feeling of inner fulfillment will always delete all the effort.
Thanks to all for this day, a master G. for driving carefully and waited along the route to the mountain to give us happy hours and welcoming us today.



the next

Some of the photos are of Angelo B. and Stephan S.; details IGM and elevation profiles have been developed by Stephan S.


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