Friday, October 22, 2010

Community Service Log Bog

Among the scents of autumn (Duglia 17,102,010)

Among the scents of autumn

I never tire of affirming that every human being, whether man or woman, boy or old, should be able to spend at least one day for each season between the paths of a forest, perhaps to a certain altitude. A day in the woods with autumn now borne by its smells and its colors invading everything through it, is an opportunity for rebirth is simple and modest to the intimacy of his own being and to the rest, at peace and rest.
So to find this "opportunity" we move under the Duglia in Pollino, a place very dear to many of us trail in all seasons, I believe that everyone has special places where it's always nice to come back and where there are always souls and new atmospheres to be rediscovered.

photo of Stephan S.

few drops of rain washed sky and leaves and the air is so light and pleasant to breathe the destination of today, from Lake Duglia is the old route built by Rueping privileged to be the path to get to the top Cardone, Toppo Vuturo to them and lean on the basin Raganello, great scenery and colorful now more than ever that is drawn from the crest of ' Infinity and the forest of sottostnate Fagosa, from Serra of Ciavole and Timpe of Falconara, San Lorenzo, Cassano with the background of the two humps of Mount sellar and a bit 'further east along the ridge of Forano Lake and Mount Sparrowhawk.

The sight of the forest is now characterized by much presence of fungi of all kinds, colors and different scents, from the red dell'ammanita muscaria (mushroom of fairy tales, or as Luke says of Snow White) to pure white of Vesce not yet mature and, therefore, firm and fragrant.

A nice pig all just waiting for us (and we will welcome dinner) as we cross the path of the shaded Rueping where today, unfortunately, there walks a terrain of a Russian car manufacturer: the Russians and even the Pollino motion: it seems that the saying "adda wines mustache! "has materialized only in the heart of the Pollino National Park in the open A?

Now that the new road under Vuturo Toppo, a layer of dark asphalt and still smelling of bitumen, the trail crosses the old machines will be reduced to get more than a day until the Great Gate? In the silence I think back to this incredible work man, already denounced by most anyone and I can not regret that too. Near the source of some Chedichemo wild plum trees slightly larger than cherries give us a little 'taste of the past: I make a good feast with Luke likes to think and to serve others with great enthusiasm and now the walk comes to an end and the air begins at sunset to give us the thrill of the first cold.

also went today to return calm and rejuvenated.

At the next


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