Sunday, June 20, 2010

Software Exception C0000005 Error In Tally9

From Hollyhock us is a flower


I know him
this rustling reeds
on arid slopes
disputed by the landslide
these rocks and thin
where the winds and fogs
damage Meeting silences
burdens evening
step on the tired mules.
E 'little water flowing
and the valleys are dry
split, clay.
Hence the herds migrate
the late autumn
the plain of marine
dipping steps in the swamps.
Hence increased malaria
for small stations on Basento
bleak sign of oleander.
with us is a hollyhock flower
that trembles with the basil
on rotten windows
in a vase of faded terracotta
and rosemary growing in the meadows
on the slopes of the streets
holes next to the moles.
Here rests the hawk and the owl
marks our death.
Here the world is far,
but there is a smell of earth and acacia
and the bread tastes like wheat.

Mario Trufelli

Monday, June 14, 2010

Trichozed Vs Provillus

A party on the terrace of the South (13062010)

A party on the terrace of the South

The long summer days are the perfect occasion to find out the peaks and restore your spirit reaching peaks of dense ground for new experiences and memories and emotions. No coincidence that the mountain people: those who want to try the five peaks and quickly fills the water, some for the first time moves in the park and see the tops confuse them, who attempts a half-hearted approach to the topography and all ' orientation, who want to reach the terrace to fulfill a promise or an anniversary party: lots of frantic feet move or already tired, but never dominant, to fill this passion called mountain.
We move that is early morning, leaving the hot and muggy that afflict cities and plains: the share all'Impiso allows us to breathe much more air and smiling faces are getting longer on the path we are now in eighteen to want Dolcedorme groped the top of the penthouse of Southern Italy, and to give moral support and a three and a half meters below the creatures who want to reach this goal: the goal then, more on other occasions, is to climb all, be all, each with their own thoughts, by their own efforts, each on his feet more or less large: Rocco, Frank, Tony, Nicola are just a few names but the spirit and the will to do it today has only one name. The path chosen is the so-called normal, for no particular reason, a way that surely is the hottest show in view of the prevailing south, but now no calculations, legs shoulder goes.

reached the altitude of 2000 to the snowfield below Monte Pollino and greeted the first loricati guardians, a bit 'of looks toward the valley South, and it rides the mixed green rocks to overcome the last ridge that divides us between the eyes and the long profile of the beautiful sleeping: it sweats and fatigue but some patch of snow we refresh body and spirit. For Luke, the smallest of the company today is tougher: the head and legs are not quite agree that, by now exceeded the Sella Dolcedorme and refreshed by a bit 'of Malevento that today is a great help, we are back with' providential help of John and his nuts magic that restores energy to the small legs.
the Timpa di Valle Piana watches us from hiding for a few more steps and the final amount of the long range: the Timpa exceeded even the game of riddles and songs of some singer turn out to be providential to ward off fatigue recent efforts: the silhouette of Stephan with his red shirt and then the Enzo they appear already at the top of the company while the others are scattered along the last climb: Luke feels that now is made and the rhythm of the songs and De Andre Jackson proves it: the breath in these lungs just six years!

we enjoy watching the south side of a mountain full of loricati inside me and I thank John for this beautiful last climb, a climb to three. But the surprises are not over even yet to come: I raise my head and fifty yards I see a shape that is not playing with a friend dall'Impiso us, surprised look better and sharp eyes fogged by light and sweat: the outline is not only a friend but two! A green shirt and a purple, the most beautiful colors of the day: Imma and Saviour, how nice! I see them healthy Giovanna now she reaches for the first time this summit. I think so then there is also the CAI Castrovillari the top as I had read by programs. Luke tells him that seems so, in a second, having digested all the effort and accelerates to overcome them and reach a glance who is waiting to greet him: the last piece of trudging up the last ridge before the summit: a hug and kind words fill my heart with happiness: never Today this mountain is so lush with joy.
reached the top I see more friendly faces: Gerardo, looking for me and greets me and we introduce ourselves: after we had only known on the phone we can finally shake hands and exchange a hug, catch up quickly Mimmo Peace I see the pile of stones marks the top: Gerald as I had not even known his kindness to send me a copy of his book, only to cut and collected images, which tells the story of these mountains, "The Pioneers of the Pollino" a few words with those that history has already lived in another era-when the mountains are often trod with poor resources and little food, fed only by deep passion-was a great honor for me: swap here at this summit a memorable thing.
The small sign and leave comments about the new book that Eugenio Iannelli summit, other knowledge of exquisite courtesy telephone now takes the form of knowledge in person, is responsible to place and make available to all, we are in today on this 60 terrace: 42, CAI increased from Castrovillari Loricati of ridge (1400 meters of altitude and exertion, but enjoying superb views and wonderful) and 18 of us came from Lucania side, a meeting in a beautiful terrace in celebration.
But they are about 14.00, it's up to hurry: 14.06 to point you in celebrate a little girl, Sofia, who walked with great hiker to reach this peak on the day of his birthday: pulled out a small cake, a cake from the mountains I would say, and a candle with the number eight of photos and ritual "Happy Birthday to you "now takes on a particular sound at this altitude," Compliments "to this day celebrated in this way.
few more minutes of well deserved rest, chat with some other people who know and appreciate the mountains because of the Blog (Luigi, Roberto, are only two that I remember so many names with which some handshake and a smile is is traded) and then touches on our way again: no matter how beautiful these places can be enjoyed with extreme sacrifices and long but for a few minutes grudgingly salute all those friends and begin the long and arduous path downhill. Abreast of the Timpa di Valle Piana (I think you call it that) a small snowfield that look down on the Fossa del Lupo presents us with the satisfaction of playing with the latest snow and some fresh white ball reaches the goal, sometimes it is lost on rocks but the joy of being there is the real protagonist.
The quick pace of the fittest and long reach the edge of the channel and we expect Malevento: the return to do it via a cooler, below the shoulder of the North Pollino: the Source of Rummo has never looked so good : many hikers find themselves tired today this source to drink, to express joy and satisfaction for the places and experiences as seen extraordinary. We are clearing the Vacquarro high and the enthusiasm of the morning calm words are now at the closing hour of the day and lived lovely: thank you all, fellow travelers, was an amazing day.

the next

Monday, June 7, 2010

Watch Kate's Playground

Finally ... Pollino! (06062010)

Finally ... Pollino!

was a bit 'were not that many opportunities approrpriate groped for a hike to the summit Pollino with the whole family, once switched to natural stages, once less exposed to weather destinations, once with family is not complete ... finally a good day has arrived. In fact, the first day's activities were not the best preparation prorpizie excursion but a bit 'of stubbornness and just conviction have allowed us to reach this small goal: the summit of Pollino with photo on top of stone.
Great, was a great feeling to travel this path with all the family group, each with its own forces with their own weaknesses, above all, yet determined and united to achieve this goal.
The road shrouded in fog has not given much to the views of the mountain range that sometimes offered as open to visitors, but was best reason to watch the eyes and the movements of the family group: the legs are now are strengthened, the head runs back and gaze points many details that indicate routes, obstacles, small milestones, practically everything that teaches you to observe the mountain almost a metaphor for life, climbs, descents, determination, smiles, and solidarity difficulties, discouragement and patience, but ultimately the joy of living.
is done today, I start to see my children take alternative roads, their roads, but also stopping to look back the way done and looking up into the sky and look at what to do: their feet are getting longer and decided to push forward even self sacrifice.
always ask us what happiness really is: today I can say I have tasted a some more '.

the next

Friday, June 4, 2010

Hamilton Abortion Provider

Eianina: emotions and laughter in the vertical (02062010)


Eianina: emotions and laughter in the vertical (02062010)

Thanks to a wonderful opportunity given to us by CAI Castrovillari and his associates find ourselves willing to live and experience the thrill of putting hands and feet on the rock to secure a mountain live a little 'more vertical.

Eianina The arrival at about 9 am I to create some 'dismay at the sight, under a leaden sky that blocks the first rays of sun, these amazing cliffs that rise from the ground and especially from thinking that someone up there moves as if it were in his slippers at home.
to welcome us, however, in the small knot of people all anxious to get their hands on the rock, there are two exquisite people and pigeons, Calabrian occasion in less than no time are transformed into animals by the wall, the shoes with rubber spiders clinging to the rock where least expected and instruct us, hanging on handles invisible but they provide there, what to do. From a very warm welcome body, as if exhausted arcs, spread the rays of sun and clouds gave way to a fantastic day.
U Lupu "begins to spur us poor aspiring climbers, especially me, to move all parts of the body to reach the end of the route: spread as those of a sloth cartoon, but always at risk of bouncing a ball hanging from a rope, but I find myself wanting to give up a legendary phrase "go, whose teeth, whose teeth," she allows, after minutes of stasis mystical "about what I do here "to reach the infamous chain that marks the end of the street ... and lucky for us only to "bad babies"! The other company Calabria-Lucania learn and move which is a beauty under the advice of teachers who are at the bottom to make sure: the kids who try and do the climbs are a spectacle: a clean fun of this kind takes away any anxiety young and old, so it's like therapy emphasizes Imma.
the first experience of consumption accelerated rubber and leather we head toward something more complex, the "Mountain Lion", a wall about 10 to 15 meters away from having that already causes me some concern, and then close whispers, "Forget it, forget it!" . But we have "u Lupu and Imma in support and so, after having observed and understood what it means to ascend to the first and other terms of climbing, we begin to trust and take delight in laying their hands on the rock, beautiful ... but how hard for people like me who only knew of vertical ascent in the elevator condominium! A pischelletto of even ten years likes to go where others trudging and a pleasure to hear back from climbing to the emotions with phrases from the series "come here today, this is just a nice gift", a phrase that should be encouraged many parents to bring children into the mountains. The gift for adults, however, drove him out Savior Panellinia a whole delicious stuffed peppers, "the baker", food to those who have to bite the fingers that other rock, snacks and various industrial genres. In a short time with the help of all the board is set up and over the rock we eat something: my poor body are affected as the necessary rest before giving the nth vertical climb.

The merry band so is to end the day that have passed the 16.00 while a series of mountain lions attacking the cliff lit by the sun for more parts with dexterity, muscle and acrobatic skills, but always with the necessary caution and in complete safety: leaving a bit 'of our hearts on Today these cliffs that gave us so much joy, excitement and serenity, we are truly grateful to those with passion, dedication and effort in the preparation of walls also allowed many to get close to the mountain, even if a mountain is more technical and certainly much more vertical! We thank Imma Except for all the patience and offer explanations in the precious and injections of confidence that have made all the time, basic foundation for those who live the mountain, we hope to be there for upcoming events and maybe make ourselves useful to help someone learn this practice that promotes human relations environment in our host and run the way for broader protection of our land, our land .

At the next