Thursday, September 18, 2008

What Happened With Cytherea

thoughts in freedom

Sometimes I wonder: if the weather had anything to me what to invent, what to do and how long will it take?
you will exclaim: maybe!
I do not think so but you end up in tune with yourself if the time claimed it was then waiting to be filled from your breath, your thoughts, your imagination, from your affection.
I believe that beyond many worries, we are trying to kill our time to our fear of silence, the silence of others, afraid to listen to our "noise", the "noise" of others, fear of emotions, suffering, fear of being put up by the affection of others.
How sweet the smile of a child. But tell me, the cry of a child who needs our love, the goodnight kiss, that claim our "pampering" is not as tender, not fill us with emotion and warmth, tenderness at the point of suffering his silence? The silence of a child not troubled by any chance? Yet how many times I beseech you to be quiet. But we are not worried by chance when you do not feel, when we look for when "strangely" not ignore us or fill his voice, his stories, his quirks?
Tonight I want to do "racket" as a child .. to fill the silence, the silence, my silence, full of music, color and warmth, affection and love but also of great anger and pain for all those who can not or do not want to risk being in silence.
A dream, a caress, for you

Thursday, September 4, 2008

White By Waxed Eyebrow

Another blog .. blog mania that stress !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Sunfish For Sale Oregon

when love will kill you !!!!!

fall in love?
Beyond the buzzword that this beautiful word, the matter is by no means simple.
Have you ever thought how much trouble is linked to the love between people? Basically, all the other emotions are born from frustration and / or the pursuit of love and be loved, always reassured than affective confirmations.
But it is by parents and those around us closer, (or better than you expect you're as close) as our brothers and sisters that we often get the first disappointments and continue to suffer as adults, even when we realize which is an endless game. It 's really hard to resist to believe that one day someone will change for us and we will prove to be as we hoped.
No change to the other, do not you think? Why should.
After all, the family is a mirror of society now ... a "world of cunning," which is not the cognitive or emotional intelligence to move things, values, ideals, ideas, thoughts, passions and love, the pure and unconditional, but it is the selfishness, the poverty of thought, which form the image of themselves, the superficalità, the loneliness that makes man more than ever a beast of war.
.. I can not give up the key, the key to a future most fragrant and soft, it is there, where it springs from, least of all, you would go: to watch, understand, feel, ACCEPT. E'solo awareness of what has been and how things went, that makes you look forward and not slip into waiting around. In the bottom of a tree that grows Never cut the roots, even if they were ugly and useless, maybe a little pointed and sharp.
not it?
A gentle "feather" for you all :-)