Thursday, November 27, 2008

Isabella Soprano Vídeo

transparency: a review, a value, a right, an opportunity, an opportunity, what?

What, we encounter frequently in this word in this contradiction and no more limits now neither action nor transgression.
Beyond the many resolutions and many words, principles and laws, in fact the human being tends, now more than ever, to avoid the confrontation of ideas, values \u200b\u200band actions with those of others. We can not assign fault or intention, in fact, at times, such people seem not even aware of the superficiality with which it manages itself and its relations with the other. Do not ask ourselves how we can get so little respect for the rights of others and consequently how we can lose our sense of value stessi.Basterebbe we do a bit of silence to be able to "read" the presence.
What bothers most, but it's fair I think, is the candor, the wonder with which they question and wonder why the intolerance of the other compared to an action of "right" has very little. Failure to inform, not take another step in the right light, the feel "above reproach" and any criticism is often the way these people become puppets of themselves.
But in the end even when faced with this "look" behind a glass window at the bottom and be a little more than a pebble off, light and empty, what remains to us? Certainly not the dignity, to exist, to feel, be, live, love each other. A sweet
down for you all